keşide etmek

  1. Verb, Banking to draw
to draw at par Verb
to draw at par Verb
to sign a bond Verb
to draw in a bill Verb
to draw a bill of exchange on sb Verb
to make a draft on Verb
to draw on sb Verb
to issue a bill of exchange on sb Verb
to make a draft on sb Verb
to issue a draft on sb Verb
to draw a check (cheque ,) Verb
to draw a check (cheque ,) upon an account Verb
to draw a cheque in favour of the treasurer Verb
to make a draft on one's account Verb
to pass a bill Verb
to give a bill of exchange Verb
to draw a bill Verb
to clear bill Verb
to draw at long (short) date Verb
to refer a cheque to the drawer Verb
to go back to the drawer Verb